Republican Party Table 2. 2016 Primaries

by Theodore de Macedo Soares. Republican Party 2016 primaries. This table, Republican Party Table 2, shows the discrepancies between exit poll results and the unverified computer vote counts applying total survey error (TSE) calculations. Discrepancies that exceed the total survey error of the exit polls are shown in the last column. Compared to Table 1, applying TSE instead of the standard MOE results in decreasing the discrepancies by which the states exceed error calculations. Additionally, the discrepancy in Ohio, Continue Reading →

Democratic Party Table 2. 2016 Primaries

by Theodore de Macedo Soares. Democratic Party 2016 primaries. This table, Democratic Party Table 2, shows the discrepancies between exit poll results and the unverified computer vote counts. The margin of error applied represents the total survey error (TSE) calculated for the 2016 primaries. Discrepancies that exceed the total survey error of the exit polls are shown in the last column. Compared to Table 1, applying TSE instead of the standard MOE results in decreasing the discrepancies by which Continue Reading →

Exit Polls versus Reported Vote Counts. 2016 Presidential Primaries

by Theodore de Macedo Soares. In the United States, computerized election vote counts are essentially unverified [1].  Computer counts are non-transparent and non-observable by ordinary citizens.  For these reasons, and in order to prevent hard-to-detect computer vote fraud, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (their version of the US Supreme Court) in 2009, effectively banned the use of computers to count Germany’s ballots [2]. In order to be able to verify the results of their elections, Germany reverted to Continue Reading →

The Suspect Massachusetts 2016 Primary

Vote count matches Republican Party exit polls but not the Democratic Party exit polls. by Theodore de Macedo Soares. Article first published in on March 10, 2016. In the Massachusetts March 1, 2016 primary Democratic Party race,  the computerized vote count declared candidate Clinton the winner but the exit polls indicated candidate Sanders to be the winner by a margin of 6.6%.  These same exit polls accurately predicted the results of each and all of the Republican candidates.  Continue Reading →